[00:00.33]Unit 4 What's the best movie theater?
[00:16.92]1.What's the best movie theater?
[00:25.15]2.Dream Clothes store has the best clothes in town.
[00:37.29]3.It is the best supermarket I have seen.
[00:45.83]4.I think 92.9 FM is the best radio station.
[00:57.41]5.It is the nearest restaurant from here.
[01:18.88]6.W:Did you watch the game show last night?
[01:22.32]M:Yes, it was very interesting. Some performers are really talented.
[01:27.70]Q:What does the boy think of the show?
[01:33.20]W:Did you watch the game show last night?
[01:35.51]M:Yes, it was very interesting. Some performers are really talented.
[01:40.41]Q:What does the boy think of the show?
[01:46.69]7.M:Who won the best player in the basketball game?
[01:50.56]W:John. He is the fastest player on the playground and got the most points.
[01:56.60]Q:What prize did John win in the basketball game?
[02:03.60]M:Who won the best player in the basketball game?
[02:06.21]W:John. He is the fastest player on the playground and got the most points.
[02:11.72]Q:What prize did John win in the basketball game?
[02:19.16]8.M:Let's have lunch in Lucy's Restaurant. It has the best food.
[02:23.86]W:But it's too far. Let's go to the nearest one ¡ª Joe's Restaurant.
[02:29.41]Q:Which restaurant has the best food?
[02:35.86]M:Let's have lunch in Lucy's Restaurant. It has the best food.
[02:39.86]W:But it's too far. Let's go to the nearest one - Joe's Restaurant.
[02:45.33]Q:Which restaurant has the best food?
[02:51.91]9.W:I like this store. It always sells the freshest vegetables.
[02:56.39]M:I like it too. Although the service is not so good, it is the closest to my house.
[03:02.91]Q:Why does the woman like the store?
[03:10.28]W:I like this store. It always sells the freshest vegetables.
[03:14.32]M:I like it too. Although the service is not so good, it is the closest to my house.
[03:20.72]Q:Why does the woman like the store?
[03:28.79]10.W:Which does Jimmy like, Chinese or Art?
[03:33.33]M:Neither. He likes math best.
[03:35.99]Q:What subject does Jimmy like best?
[03:43.36]W:Which does Jimmy like, Chinese or Art?
[03:46.98]M:Neither. He likes math best.
[03:49.67]Q:What subject does Jimmy like best?
[04:42.41]M:What do people think about the places in our city? We did a survey of our students. 
[04:48.10]All the movie theaters are good, but Sunshine Theater is the best. It has the best screens and the friendliest service. 
[04:56.60]The most popular clothing store is New Fashions. It has the best quality clothing. Funky Fashions is the worst. 
[05:03.94]It has the worst clothes. As for radio stations, most people think that 89.5 FM is really great. It always plays the most popular music. 
[05:22.32]M:What do people think about the places in our city? We did a survey of our students. 
[05:28.10]All the movie theaters are good, but Sunshine Theater is the best. It has the best screens and the friendliest service. 
[05:35.95]The most popular clothing store is New Fashions. It has the best quality clothing. Funky Fashions is the worst. 
[05:43.84]It has the worst clothes. As for radio stations, most people think that 89.5 FM is really great. It always plays the most popular music. 
[06:38.26]M:Hi, Lucy. Can I ask you something about your town?
[06:41.64]W:Of course.
[06:42.77]M:Which is the best movie theater in your town?
[06:45.52]W:Movie City.
[06:47.30]M:Where is it?
[06:48.18]W:It's in the north of our town, near the railway station.
[06:51.77]M:Why do you think it's the best?
[06:54.70]W:It has the newest movies and the seats are very comfortable.
[06:57.92]M:I see. What about clothes stores?
[07:01.10]W:There are many clothes stores in town, such as the Miller's and Dream Clothes Store. But I think Teddy's Store is the best one.
[07:11.54]M:Is it expensive?
[07:13.19]W:No, I think it's very cheap. The shop keeper is really kind.
[07:17.70]M:Which hotel is the best?
[07:19.97]W:The Green Hotel. It has the biggest rooms.
[07:23.50]M:How about the service?
[07:25.32]W:The service is also good.
[07:27.37]M:Thanks for your information.
[07:41.00]M:Hi, Lucy. Can I ask you something about your town?
[07:44.40]W:Of course.
[07:45.39]M:Which is the best movie theater in your town?
[07:48.21]W:Movie City.
[07:49.63]M:Where is it?
[07:50.82]W:It's in the north of our town, near the railway station.
[07:54.60]M:Why do you think it's the best?
[07:56.63]W:It has the newest movies and the seats are very comfortable.
[08:00.57]M:I see. What about clothes stores?
[08:03.88]W:There are many clothes stores in town, such as the Miller's and Dream Clothes Store. But I think Teddy's Store is the best one.
[08:13.78]M:Is it expensive?
[08:15.81]W:No, I think it's very cheap. The shop keeper is really kind.
[08:20.60]M:Which hotel is the best?
[08:22.67]W:The Green Hotel. It has the biggest rooms.
[08:26.11]M:How about the service?
[08:27.99]W:The service is also good.
[08:29.81]M:Thanks for your information.
[09:58.25]1.Which is the worst clothes store in town?
[10:09.93]2.Who dances best in your school? 
[10:19.36]3.Tom is a great player. He jumps the highest in his team.
[10:32.37]4.It is the nearest park from here.
[10:41.32]5.I think it is the largest library in the town.
[11:07.10]6.W:What kind of sports do you like?
[11:10.64]M:All kinds of sports. And I like surfing best. 
[11:14.90]Q:What's the boy's favorite sport?
[11:20.88]W:What kind of sports do you like?
[11:23.25]M:All kinds of sports. And I like surfing best. 
[11:26.80]Q:What's the boy's favorite sport?
[11:33.41]7.M:What do you think is the best movie theater? 
[11:37.13]W:Screen City. It has the biggest screens. What do you think of it?
[11:41.90]M:I think it has the most comfortable seats.
[11:44.53]Q:Why does the woman think Screen City is the best?
[11:51.90]M:What do you think is the best movie theater? 
[11:54.80]W:Screen City. It has the biggest screens. What do you think of it?
[11:59.73]M:I think it has the most comfortable seats.
[12:02.47]Q:Why does the woman think Screen City is the best?
[12:10.96]8.W:Did you finish reading this book? 
[12:13.77]M:Yes, I did.
[12:15.20]W:How do you like it?
[12:16.72]M:It's the most boring book I've ever read. 
[12:19.73]Q:What does the man think of the book? 
[12:27.90]W:Did you finish reading this book? 
[12:29.93]M:Yes, I did.
[12:31.46]W:How do you like it?
[12:32.98]M:It's the most boring book I've ever read. 
[12:36.23]Q:What does the man think of the book? 
[12:44.80]9.W:I want to buy a sweater. Let's go to Zig Zag's Clothing Store. 
[12:50.33]M:But I think it sells the worst quality clothing.
[12:53.75]Q:Does the man want to go shopping at Zig Zag's Clothing Store? 
[13:03.45]W:I want to buy a sweater. Let's go to Zig Zag's Clothing Store. 
[13:08.28]M:But I think it sells the worst quality clothing.
[13:11.65]Q:Does the man want to go shopping at Zig Zag's Clothing Store? 
[13:21.36]10.M:I'd like to buy a Tª²shirt, Which clothes store should I go to?
[13:26.10]W:Tom's Clothes Store has the best Tª²shirts, but it's a little far. Kim's Clothes Store is the nearest.
[13:34.30]M:Oh, I think I will choose the near one.It's more convenient.
[13:39.50]Q:Which restaurant is the nearest? 
[13:46.31]M:I'd like to buy a Tª²shirt, Which clothes store should I go to?
[13:50.66]W:Tom's Clothes Store has the best Tª²shirts, but it's a little far. Kim's Clothes Store is the nearest.
[13:58.55]M:Oh, I think I will choose the near one.It's more convenient.
[14:03.42]Q:Which restaurant is the nearest? 
[14:57.25]W:The school talent show was a big success last week. It was fantastic. There were 20 acts. 
[15:04.84]Clair won the prize for the best performer. She played a wonderful piano piece. She was an excellent piano player. 
[15:12.93]The quietest performer was Sue Garry. She danced without music. The prize for the funniest performer went to Dennis and his dog, Fido. 
[15:23.68]They sang a cute song together. Frank won the prize for the most creative performer. He played the guitar upside down. 
[15:32.79]Tom was the worst. He performed terribly.
[15:46.88]W:The school talent show was a big success last week. It was fantastic. There were 20 acts. 
[15:54.39]Clair won the prize for the best performer. She played a wonderful piano piece. She was an excellent piano player. 
[16:02.66]The quietest performer was Sue Garry. She danced without music. The prize for the funniest performer went to Dennis and his dog, Fido. 
[16:13.24]They sang a cute song together. Frank won the prize for the most creative performer. He played the guitar upside down. 
[16:22.17]Tom was the worst. He performed terribly.
[17:10.94]M:Hi, Jane. What are you going to do?
[17:13.20]W:I'm going to go shopping. 
[17:15.20]M:Which shop are you going to? 
[17:16.89]W:I'm going to the biggest shop, Lily's Shop. I think the things in that shop are the cheapest and it has the friendliest service. 
[17:25.71]M:I agree. What do you want to buy? 
[17:28.40]W:I want to buy some cold drinks. Today is the hottest day of the week, and I feel very thirsty. Will you come with me?
[17:36.83]M:Yeah. I need to buy some vegetables for dinner.
[17:39.75]W:Lily's Shop has really fresh vegetables. Let's go.
[17:51.28]M:Hi, Jane. What are you going to do?
[17:53.29]W:I'm going to go shopping. 
[17:55.31]M:Which shop are you going to? 
[17:57.21]W:I'm going to the biggest shop, Lily's Shop. I think the things in that shop are the cheapest and it has the friendliest service. 
[18:06.80]M:I agree. What do you want to buy? 
[18:08.72]W:I want to buy some cold drinks. Today is the hottest day of the week, and I feel very thirsty. Will you come with me?
[18:17.17]M:Yeah. I need to buy some vegetables for dinner.
[18:20.00]W:Lily's Shop has really fresh vegetables. Let's go.