[00:01.55]Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?
[00:17.37]1.What do you think of talk shows?
[00:25.15]2.I like sitcoms. I think they are interesting.
[00:36.35]3.He likes the news because he wants to know something about the world.
[00:48.77]4.I think all the children like cartoons.
[00:58.38]5.She wants to be a TV reporter one day.
[01:22.80]6.W:What do you plan to do tonight?
[01:25.28]M:I plan to watch TV.
[01:27.32]Q:What does the man plan to do tonight?
[01:33.91]W:What do you plan to do tonight?
[01:36.10]M:I plan to watch TV.
[01:38.17]Q:What does the man plan to do tonight?
[01:45.21]7.W:What can you expect to learn from the news?
[01:49.21]M:I want to learn something new.
[01:51.37]Q:What does the boy expect to learn from the news?
[01:57.99]W:What can you expect to learn from the news?
[02:01.27]M:I want to learn something new.
[02:03.40]Q:What does the boy expect to learn from the news?
[02:10.57]8.M:Do you want to watch soap operas, Jenny?
[02:13.96]W:I don't like them. I think they are boring.
[02:17.10]Q:What does Jenny think of soap operas?
[02:23.96]M:Do you want to watch soap operas, Jenny?
[02:26.51]W:I don't like them. I think they are boring.
[02:29.77]Q:What does Jenny think of soap operas?
[02:36.12]9.M:What do you think of this movie, Cindy?
[02:39.12]W:I think I can learn a lot from it. It's educational.
[02:42.93]Q:What does Cindy think of this movie?
[02:49.38]M:What do you think of this movie, Cindy?
[02:51.63]W:I think I can learn a lot from it. It's educational.
[02:55.76]Q:What does Cindy think of this movie?
[03:01.93]10.W:Why do you like sitcoms?
[03:04.36]M:Because they are interesting.
[03:06.49]Q:Why does the boy like sitcoms?
[03:12.65]W:Why do you like sitcoms?
[03:14.65]M:Because they are interesting.
[03:16.64]Q:Why does the boy like sitcoms?
[04:09.12]M£ºHi, I am Jack. My classmates are having a discussion about their favorite TV shows. Kate likes cartoons and Snow White is her favorite. 
[04:18.96]Tony likes cartoons, too. And his favorite cartoon character is Mickey Mouse. Danny is different from them. He likes action movies. 
[04:28.45]And he watches them once a week. Lisa likes soap operas and she hopes to be an actress one day. Tom likes comedies. 
[04:37.21]He wants to write some comedies and show them to his friends. What about you? Can you tell me?
[04:53.68]M£ºHi, I am Jack. My classmates are having a discussion about their favorite TV shows. Kate likes cartoons and Snow White is her favorite. 
[05:03.54]Tony likes cartoons, too. And his favorite cartoon character is Mickey Mouse. Danny is different from them. He likes action movies. 
[05:13.40]And he watches them once a week. Lisa likes soap operas and she hopes to be an actress one day. Tom likes comedies. 
[05:21.78]He wants to write some comedies and show them to his friends. What about you? Can you tell me?
[06:12.91]W:What do you like to do in your free time, David?
[06:15.53]M:I often watch TV.
[06:17.32]W:How long do you watch TV a day?
[06:19.90]M:For about half an hour.
[06:21.88]W:What kind of TV programs do you like?
[06:25.13]M:I like sports news.
[06:27.10]W:How do you like sitcoms?
[06:29.19]M:I can't stand them. They are boring for me.
[06:32.74]W:What kind of movies do you like?
[06:35.40]M:I like action movies. They often make me excited.
[06:48.31]W:What do you like to do in your free time, David?
[06:51.22]M:I often watch TV.
[06:53.21]W:How long do you watch TV a day?
[06:55.61]M:For about half an hour.
[06:57.71]W:What kind of TV programs do you like?
[07:00.85]M:I like sports news.
[07:02.91]W:How do you like sitcoms?
[07:04.99]M:I can't stand them. They are boring for me.
[07:08.38]W:What kind of movies do you like?
[07:10.78]M:I like action movies. They often make me excited.
[08:15.12]1.What do you expect to learn from the news?
[08:26.19]2.Everyone in my class likes kung fu very much.
[08:37.80]3.My favorite TV shows are talk shows.
[08:48.13]4.Do you want to watch a sports show tonight?
[08:57.90]5.Mulan is an fantastic action movie.
[09:25.43]6.W:Peter, let's watch game shows.
[09:28.85]M:OK. I like game shows, but talk shows are my favorite TV programs.
[09:34.34]Q:What are Peter's favorite TV programs?
[09:44.73]W:Peter, let's watch game shows.
[09:47.20]M:OK. I like game shows, but talk shows are my favorite TV programs.
[09:52.89]Q:What are Peter's favorite TV programs?
[10:01.80]7.M:What does your father think of Mickey Mouse?
[10:05.49]W:He can't stand it. But my sister likes it very much.
[10:09.45]Q:How does the girl's father like Mickey Mouse?
[10:17.40]M:What does your father think of Mickey Mouse?
[10:20.48]W:He can't stand it. But my sister likes it very much.
[10:24.27]Q:How does the girl's father like Mickey Mouse?
[10:32.40]8.W:Do you like Animal World?
[10:35.30]M:No, I don't. I think it's boring. How about you?
[10:38.96]W:Oh, I love it.
[10:40.52]Q:Who likes Animal World?
[10:48.79]W:Do you like Animal World?
[10:50.80]M:No, I don't. I think it's boring. How about you?
[10:54.81]W:Oh, I love it.
[10:56.74]Q:Who likes Animal World?
[11:04.70]9.M:I can't stand this soap opera.
[11:07.97]W:Me, either.
[11:09.19]M:I would like to watch a sitcom. What about you, Mary?
[11:13.10]W:Why not?
[11:14.32]Q:What did the girl want to watch?
[11:21.65]M:I can't stand this soap opera.
[11:24.27]W:Me, either.
[11:25.35]M:I would like to watch a sitcom. What about you, Mary?
[11:29.16]W:Why not?
[11:30.29]Q:What did the girl want to watch?
[11:37.41]10.W:Peter, are you interested in game shows?
[11:40.89]M:Oh, I don't mind them. In fact, I like talk shows best. But I can't stand the news.
[11:47.48]W:Oh, I like news, I can learn a lot from it.
[11:50.97]Q:What does Peter think of game shows?
[12:00.54]W:Peter, are you interested in game shows?
[12:03.46]M:Oh, I don't mind them. In fact, I like talk shows best. But I can't stand the news.
[12:09.87]W:Oh, I like news, I can learn a lot from it.
[12:13.30]Q:What does Peter think of game shows?
[13:07.45]W:Mrs.Green is my English teacher. She comes from America. She likes her job very much. She has two children, Tom and Sue. 
[13:17.69]They are in China now. Mrs.Green can speak Chinese. She likes reading and watching TV. 
[13:25.44]She likes to watch some shows, such as talk shows, game shows and soap operas. She thinks they are interesting. 
[13:34.23]But she can't stand the news. She also likes watching TV and cooking in the afternoon. She likes to watch the show ¡ªA Bite of China. 
[13:44.71]Tom and Sue like playing basketball. So they like watching sports shows very much. Tom doesn't mind news. 
[13:52.67]He thinks it's good for him to know something about China and other countries.
[14:14.95]W:Mrs.Green is my English teacher. She comes from America. She likes her job very much. She has two children, Tom and Sue. 
[14:25.13]They are in China now. Mrs.Green can speak Chinese. She likes reading and watching TV. 
[14:32.69]She likes to watch some shows, such as talk shows, game shows and soap operas. She thinks they are interesting. 
[14:41.51]But she can't stand the news. She also likes watching TV and cooking in the afternoon. She likes to watch the show -A Bite of China. 
[14:52.28]Tom and Sue like playing basketball. So they like watching sports shows very much. Tom doesn't mind news. 
[15:00.18]He thinks it's good for him to know something about China and other countries.
[15:48.71]M:What do you want to do today, Mary?
[15:51.20]W:I want to watch a movie. Are there any good movies on show now?
[15:55.34]M:Hmm, let me have a look at the newspaper. How about something exciting, like an action movie or a scary movie?
[16:03.80]W:Oh no, I think those movies are so meaningless.
[16:06.80]M:Well, most of the movies showing now are action movies or scary movies.
[16:12.14]W:Oh, maybe we should stay at home and watch TV. I want to watch something relaxing, like a game show or a sitcom.
[16:20.52]M:Hmm. I don't really like those kinds of TV shows. I think they're boring. I like to watch talk shows. This kind of program is more enjoyable.
[16:30.72]W:OK, I like talk shows, too. I think they're wonderful. I like to know different opinions about the same topic from them.
[16:38.95]M:OK, great. There's a talk show at 4:00 p.m. Let's watch that one.
[16:54.87]M:What do you want to do today, Mary?
[16:57.19]W:I want to watch a movie. Are there any good movies on show now?
[17:01.32]M:Hmm, let me have a look at the newspaper. How about something exciting, like an action movie or a scary movie?
[17:09.42]W:Oh no, I think those movies are so meaningless.
[17:13.58]M:Well, most of the movies showing now are action movies or scary movies.
[17:18.50]W:Oh, maybe we should stay at home and watch TV. I want to watch something relaxing, like a game show or a sitcom.
[17:26.94]M:Hmm. I don't really like those kinds of TV shows. I think they're boring. I like to watch talk shows. This kind of program is more enjoyable.
[17:37.30]W:OK, I like talk shows, too. I think they're wonderful. I like to know different opinions about the same topic from them.
[17:45.10]M:OK, great. There's a talk show at 4:00 p.m. Let's watch that one.