[00:15.30]1.I went to Mount Tai on vacation last weekend.
[00:27.48]2.His mother dances three times a week.
[00:37.46]3.I think Sam can jump farther than Tom.
[00:47.67]4.I like this restaurant best in town.
[00:57.00]5.What do you think of the cartoon?
[01:18.77]6.M:Do you go camping, Sally?
[01:20.93]W:Hardly ever. And you, Pedro?
[01:23.64]M:Yes, I do. But not very often. Last summer my father took me to camp in the mountains.
[01:29.92]Q:How often does Sally go camping?
[01:38.40]M:Do you go camping, Sally?
[01:40.15]W:Hardly ever. And you, Pedro?
[01:42.89]M:Yes, I do. But not very often. Last summer my father took me to camp in the mountains.
[01:49.00]Q:How often does Sally go camping?
[01:57.20]7.W:Peter, how long does it take you to get to school?
[02:02.13]M:It takes me 25 minutes to walk but just 10 minutes by bus.
[02:07.97]Q:How long does it take Peter to get to school on foot?
[02:18.65]W:Peter, how long does it take you to get to school?
[02:22.22]M:It takes me 25 minutes to walk but just 10 minutes by bus.
[02:27.99]Q:How long does it take Peter to get to school on foot?
[02:38.72]8.W:What's your brother like,Jim?
[02:41.97]M:He is more hardª²working than me,but I am more outgoing.
[02:45.86]Q:Who is more outgoing?
[02:52.84]W:What's your brother like,Jim?
[02:54.67]M:He is more hardª²working than me,but I am more outgoing.
[02:59.20]Q:Who is more outgoing?
[03:06.18]9.M:Where did you go last weekend, Nancy?
[03:09.88]W:I went to Hangzhou together with Kate and Molly. And then they went to Shanghai, but I came back .
[03:17.28]Q:Who didn't go to Shanghai last weekend?
[03:26.95]M:Where did you go last weekend, Nancy?
[03:29.80]W:I went to Hangzhou together with Kate and Molly. And then they went to Shanghai, but I came back .
[03:37.25]Q:Who didn't go to Shanghai last weekend?
[03:46.12]10.W:How about seeing a film this afternoon?
[03:49.81]M:Great! Which movie theater shall we go?
[03:52.66]W:To the Red Star, of course. It has the biggest screen.
[03:56.87]Q:Why do they choose to go to the Red Star theater?
[04:06.33]W:How about seeing a film this afternoon?
[04:09.20]M:Great! Which movie theater shall we go?
[04:11.94]W:To the Red Star, of course. It has the biggest screen.
[04:16.16]Q:Why do they choose to go to the Red Star theater?
[05:06.24]W:Hello, everyone, I asked about students' ways to relax after class. Here are the results. 
[05:12.88]There are forty students in my class. 50% of the students often watch TV on weekends. 
[05:20.50]They think watching TV can enjoy their favorite shows and make them happy. The sports news and the music shows are the most popular. 
[05:30.38]14 students think doing sports is a good way to have fun and they like to take exercise every day. 
[05:37.56]The other six of them like to play computer games. It's relaxing for them to fight in the games. 
[05:44.46]They play computer games together once a week. In a word, different students have different ways to relax.
[06:08.14]W:Hello, everyone, I asked about students' ways to relax after class. Here are the results. 
[06:14.80]There are forty students in my class. 50% of the students often watch TV on weekends. 
[06:22.37]They think watching TV can enjoy their favorite shows and make them happy. The sports news and the music shows are the most popular. 
[06:32.37]14 students think doing sports is a good way to have fun and they like to take exercise every day. 
[06:39.95]The other six of them like to play computer games. It's relaxing for them to fight in the games. 
[06:46.55]They play computer games together once a week. In a word, different students have different ways to relax.
[07:42.62]W£ºHi£¬Sam! It's eight o'clock now.Get up quickly.It's time for breakfast.
[07:47.75]M£ºAre there chicken sandwiches or vegetable ones? 
[07:51.70]W£ºChicken sandwiches.
[07:52.71]M£ºGreat! They're my favorite.
[07:54.96]W£ºWash your hands before you eat.
[07:56.78]M£ºOK£¬mom.But where's dad? 
[07:59.27]W£ºHe's sleeping.
[08:00.30]M£ºWhy? It's so late now.It's half past eight.Dad is too lazy.
[08:05.18]W£ºNo£¬Sam.He slept rather late last night because he went to the station to meet his friend.Do not wake him up.Let him sleep a little more.
[08:26.49]W£ºHi£¬Sam! It's eight o'clock now.Get up quickly.It's time for breakfast.
[08:31.54]M£ºAre there chicken sandwiches or vegetable ones? 
[08:34.99]W£ºChicken sandwiches.
[08:36.94]M£ºGreat! They're my favorite.
[08:38.87]W£ºWash your hands before you eat.
[08:40.75]M£ºOK£¬mom.But where's dad? 
[08:43.25]W£ºHe's sleeping.
[08:44.45]M£ºWhy? It's so late now.It's half past eight.Dad is too lazy.
[08:49.23]W£ºNo£¬Sam.He slept rather late last night because he went to the station to meet his friend.Do not wake him up.Let him sleep a little more.