[00:00.54]Unit 10 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time!
[00:16.23]1.If you go to his party, you'll have a great time.
[00:25.16]2.What will happen if they eat in class?
[00:34.24]3.If we play the games, more people will join us.
[00:44.82]4.If you take the bus, you'll not be late.
[00:53.72]5.If you practice hard, you'll be a great soccer player.
[01:17.74]6.M:Would you like to go to the movies tonight?
[01:20.62]W:I'd love to, but I can't. If I do, I won't finish my homework.
[01:25.87]Q:What will happen if the girl goes to the movies?
[01:32.90]M:Would you like to go to the movies tonight?
[01:34.68]W:I'd love to, but I can't. If I do, I won't finish my homework.
[01:39.90]Q:What will happen if the girl goes to the movies?
[01:46.15]7.W:David, what will you do if our school has a concert?
[01:50.77]M: If our school has a concert, I will play the guitar.
[01:55.50]Q:What will David do if the school has a concert?
[02:02.58]W:David, what will you do if our school has a concert?
[02:06.23]M: If our school has a concert, I will play the guitar.
[02:11.70]Q:What will David do if the school has a concert?
[02:18.24]8.M:I'll help people if I become rich.
[02:20.80]W:If you want to be rich, you should work hard from now on.
[02:24.81]Q:What should the man do if he wants to help people?
[02:33.37]M:I'll help people if I become rich.
[02:35.75]W:If you want to be rich, you should work hard from now on.
[02:39.40]Q:What should the man do if he wants to help people?
[02:46.25]9.W:I think you should go to college when you grow up.
[02:50.51]M:But if I go to college, I'll never become a great basketball player.
[02:55.41]Q:Does the boy want to go to college?
[03:01.35]W:I think you should go to college when you grow up.
[03:04.17]M:But if I go to college, I'll never become a great basketball player.
[03:09.70]Q:Does the boy want to go to college?
[03:14.15]10.M:Jenny, what are you going to wear to the party tonight?
[03:17.88]W:I'll wear my black jeans and a red shirt.
[03:20.80]Q:What will Jenny wear to the party?
[03:27.40]M:Jenny, what are you going to wear to the party tonight?
[03:30.45]W:I'll wear my black jeans and a red shirt.
[03:33.48]Q:What will Jenny wear to the party?
[04:20.84]W:Dear Miss Li, I'm going to organize a New Year's party in our classroom. But I'm worried about several things. 
[04:28.44]First, I don't know when to have it. Next, I don't know if we can let students bring potato chips to the party. 
[04:36.31]The last one is what will happen if we watch a video at the party. You have a lot of experience. 
[04:43.13]I'm looking forward to your advice on solving these problems.
[05:00.31]W:Dear Miss Li, I'm going to organize a New Year's party in our classroom. But I'm worried about several things. 
[05:07.90]First, I don't know when to have it. Next, I don't know if we can let students bring potato chips to the party. 
[05:15.69]The last one is what will happen if we watch a video at the party. You have a lot of experience. 
[05:22.72]I'm looking forward to your advice on solving these problems.
[06:14.88]W:Hello, James. I will have a birthday party on Saturday. Would you like to come?
[06:19.52]M:Sure, I'd love to. Where will you have the party?
[06:22.84]W:At my house.
[06:24.20]M:When will it start?
[06:25.26]W:It will start at 5:30 in the afternoon.
[06:28.27]M:OK. I will come on time. Who else will you invite?
[06:31.77]W:I will invite my good friends. By the way, is your brother Greg free on Saturday?
[06:37.55]M:If he finishes his homework, he will be free.
[06:40.59]W:Can you ask him to come to my party with you?
[06:43.24]M:All right. I think he would like to come to your party with me.
[06:46.88]W:Thank you very much.
[06:48.10]M:You're welcome.
[06:57.30]W:Hello, James. I will have a birthday party on Saturday. Would you like to come?
[07:01.77]M:Sure, I'd love to. Where will you have the party?
[07:05.13]W:At my house.
[07:06.20]M:When will it start?
[07:07.63]W:It will start at 5:30 in the afternoon.
[07:10.59]M:OK. I will come on time. Who else will you invite?
[07:13.95]W:I will invite my good friends. By the way, is your brother Greg free on Saturday?
[07:19.72]M:If he finishes his homework, he will be free.
[07:22.74]W:Can you ask him to come to my party with you?
[07:25.58]M:All right. I think he would like to come to your party with me.
[07:29.70]W:Thank you very much.
[07:30.44]M:You're welcome.
[08:32.63]1.What will happen if you sleep in the class?
[08:42.12]2.If I walk there, I will be late.
[08:51.27]3.I had a goodtime at the party.
[08:59.67]4.I think he will take the taxi to the park.
[09:08.37]5.If I have money, I will travel around the world.
[09:31.20]6.M:Hurry up. We'll miss the train if you don't get up now.
[09:35.90]W:OK, I'm dressing myself!
[09:37.65]Q:Where are they?
[09:42.55]M:Hurry up. We'll miss the train if you don't get up now.
[09:46.90]W:OK, I'm dressing myself!
[09:48.47]Q:Where are they?
[09:53.95]7.W:Where will you go first if you visit Beijing?
[09:57.78]M:I think I'll go to the Palace Museum first.
[10:00.99]Q:Where will the man go first when he is in Beijing?
[10:08.61]W:Where will you go first if you visit Beijing?
[10:11.64]M:I think I'll go to the Palace Museum first.
[10:14.77]Q:Where will the man go first when he is in Beijing?
[10:22.25]8.M:Will your mother get angry if you can't pass the exam?
[10:26.53]W:No, she won't. But I'm afraid she'll be a little sad.
[10:31.10]Q:How will the girl's mother feel if the girl can't pass the exam?
[10:40.31]M:Will your mother get angry if you can't pass the exam?
[10:43.75]W:No, she won't. But I'm afraid she'll be a little sad.
[10:48.33]Q:How will the girl's mother feel if the girl can't pass the exam?
[10:56.66]9.M:Will Bob be here on time?
[10:58.99]W:If Bob can't, nobody else will come on time.
[11:02.16]Q:What does the woman mean?
[11:07.84]M:Will Bob be here on time?
[11:09.53]W:If Bob can't, nobody else will come on time.
[11:12.72]Q:What does the woman mean?
[11:18.62]10.M:Who do you want to invite to the party?
[11:22.12]W:If you ask me to decide, I will invite as many friends as possible.
[11:27.20]Q:What can we learn from the dialogue?
[11:33.90]M:Who do you want to invite to the party?
[11:35.39]W:If you ask me to decide, I will invite as many friends as possible.
[11:40.87]Q:What can we learn from the dialogue?
[12:33.47]M:I'm thinking about what I'm going to do this summer. Maybe I'll get a job. If I get a job, I'll have enough money to buy some new things.
[12:42.50] I want to have some new dresses when I start school again in September. I can also buy some books or some music CDs. I really love jazz£®
[12:52.22]I could buy some CDs as my jazz collection. Or I can use the money to pay for tennis lessons. I hope to play it better.
[13:01.27]If I don't get a job this summer, I'll visit my grandparents in San Francisco. They live in a beautiful old house near the sea. 
[13:09.22]I'll eat delicious food because my grandmother is an excellent cook. If I go to the beach with my grandparents, I will swim in the sea.
[13:27.23]M:I'm thinking about what I'm going to do this summer. Maybe I'll get a job. If I get a job, I'll have enough money to buy some new things.
[13:36.24] I want to have some new dresses when I start school again in September. I can also buy some books or some music CDs. I really love jazz£®
[13:46.80]I could buy some CDs as my jazz collection. Or I can use the money to pay for tennis lessons. I hope to play it better.
[13:55.70]If I don't get a job this summer, I'll visit my grandparents in San Francisco. They live in a beautiful old house near the sea. 
[14:02.81]I'll eat delicious food because my grandmother is an excellent cook. If I go to the beach with my grandparents, I will swim in the sea.
[14:55.77]M:There will be a party tonight.
[14:57.84]W:But, dad, I don't know what to wear to the party.
[15:00.71]M:Well, how about a shirt?
[15:02.64]W:No. I want to look nicer.
[15:04.34]M:OK. What about your black dress?
[15:07.16]W:That looks better. But it's cold today. If I wear it, I will have a cold.
[15:11.59]M:So, wear your red sweater.
[15:13.71]W:Good idea.
[15:14.79]M:Hurry up. Or we will not catch the bus.
[15:17.60]W:Should we bring some food?
[15:18.87]M:No, nothing.
[15:19.87]W:Oh,well let's take a taxi. The party will begin at 5. Now it is already 4:10.
[15:38.91]M:There will be a party tonight.
[15:41.20]W:But, dad, I don't know what to wear to the party.
[15:44.33]M:Well, how about a shirt?
[15:46.40]W:No. I want to look nicer.
[15:47.90]M:OK. What about your black dress?
[15:50.70]W:That looks better. But it's cold today. If I wear it, I will have a cold.
[15:55.32]M:So, wear your red sweater.
[15:57.32]W:Good idea.
[15:58.34]M:Hurry up. Or we will not catch the bus.
[16:00.51]W:Should we bring some food?
[16:02.15]M:No, nothing.
[16:03.67]W:Oh,well let's take a taxi. The party will begin at 5. Now it is already 4:10.