[00:00.61]Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.
[00:17.25]1.I like music that isn't too loud.
[00:25.76]2.They only like movies that can make them laugh.
[00:35.81]3.The erhu sounded so sad that I almost cried along with it.
[00:47.10]4.This Tª²shirt looks great!
[00:54.24]5.I think the Sydney Opera House is one of the best places in the world.
[01:18.95]6.M:Do you like comedies or cartoons?
[01:22.21]W:Neither. I prefer action movies.
[01:24.68]Q:What kind of movie does the girl like better?
[01:31.33]M:Do you like comedies or cartoons?
[01:33.66]W:Neither. I prefer action movies.
[01:36.33]Q:What kind of movie does the girl like better?

[01:42.62]7.M:I like electronic music because it's exciting. What about you?
[01:47.70]W:I like smooth music. It makes me feel relaxed.
[01:50.53]Q:What kind of music does the girl like?
[01:56.98]M:I like electronic music because it's exciting. What about you?
[02:00.90]W:I like smooth music. It makes me feel relaxed.
[02:04.53]Q:What kind of music does the girl like?

[02:09.79]8.W:Dad and I are thinking of going to the beach on holiday, Scott.
[02:14.25]M:Really? I'd prefer the mountain.
[02:16.40]Q:Where does Scott prefer to go on holiday?
[02:22.46]W:Dad and I are thinking of going to the beach on holiday, Scott.
[02:26.30]M:Really? I'd prefer the mountain.
[02:28.23]Q:Where does Scott prefer to go on holiday?

[02:34.57]9.W:Let's go to see a film at the cinema on Friday afternoon.
[02:39.22]M:I'd love to, but I'm going to go shopping. Thanks for asking me.
[02:42.93]Q:What's the man going to do on Friday afternoon?
[02:50.33]W:Let's go to see a film at the cinema on Friday afternoon.
[02:54.50]M:I'd love to, but I'm going to go shopping. Thanks for asking me.
[02:58.14]Q:What's the man going to do on Friday afternoon?

[03:05.70]10.W:What do you think of the movie last night?
[03:08.68]M:It was too boring. It made me mad.
[03:11.19]Q:What does the boy think of the movie?
[03:17.59]W:What do you think of the movie last night?
[03:19.74]M:It was too boring. It made me mad.
[03:22.39]Q:What does the boy think of the movie?
[04:14.80]W:I have five friends. They all like music. Kate likes music that is soft and quiet. She doesn't like loud music. 
[04:22.45]She is a quiet girl. Lisa is an active girl. She likes rock music, because it makes people excited. 
[04:31.10]Celia likes singing, so she likes music that she can sing along with. She always sings when she listens to music. 
[04:38.79]Peter likes classical music. He has learnt classical music for five years. He is good at playing music. 
[04:46.64]Bob likes to listen to the music that can make him relaxed. He is trying to write music by himself. Isn't he great? 
[04:54.38]As for me, I like to listen to music that isn't too loud.

[05:15.31]W:I have five friends. They all like music. Kate likes music that is soft and quiet. She doesn't like loud music. 
[05:23.90]She is a quiet girl. Lisa is an active girl. She likes rock music, because it makes people excited. 
[05:32.26]Celia likes singing, so she likes music that she can sing along with. She always sings when she listens to music. 
[05:39.84]Peter likes classical music. He has learnt classical music for five years. He is good at playing music. 
[05:47.60]Bob likes to listen to the music that can make him relaxed. He is trying to write music by himself. Isn't he great? 
[05:55.71]As for me, I like to listen to music that isn't too loud.
[06:47.41]M:What are you going to do this Sunday, Lisa?
[06:49.57]W:I'll take part in a singing competition. And I'm going to sing on the radio.
[06:54.43]M:How great you are! What kind of song will you sing for the competition?
[06:58.61]W:A Chinese folk song.
[07:00.55]M:Do you write it all by yourself?
[07:02.21]W:Not really. My music teacher helped me a lot.
[07:05.28]M:I want to listen to it. When will the program start?
[07:09.10]W:At 3:20 p.m. Oh, I'm kind of nervous in public.
[07:14.24]M:Don't worry and take a deep breath. You are sure to succeed in the competition.

[07:29.75]M:What are you going to do this Sunday, Lisa?
[07:31.99]W:I'll take part in a singing competition. And I'm going to sing on the radio.
[07:37.14]M:How great you are! What kind of song will you sing for the competition?
[07:41.18]W:A Chinese folk song.
[07:42.95]M:Do you write it all by yourself?
[07:44.90]W:Not really. My music teacher helped me a lot.
[07:48.18]M:I want to listen to it. When will the program start?
[07:51.75]W:At 3:20 p.m. Oh, I'm kind of nervous in public.
[07:56.61]M:Don't worry and take a deep breath. You are sure to succeed in the competition.

[08:11.38]M:What are you going to do this Sunday, Lisa?
[08:13.73]W:I'll take part in a singing competition. And I'm going to sing on the radio.
[08:18.61]M:How great you are! What kind of song will you sing for the competition?
[08:22.72]W:A Chinese folk song.
[08:24.56]M:Do you write it all by yourself?
[08:26.44]W:Not really. My music teacher helped me a lot.
[08:29.75]M:I want to listen to it. When will the program start?
[08:33.48]W:At 3:20 p.m. Oh, I'm kind of nervous in public.
[08:38.20]M:Don't worry and take a deep breath. You are sure to succeed in the competition.

[09:03.64]1.Linda can play the violin pretty well.
[09:12.86]2.I love fruits and watermelon is my favorite.
[09:22.21]3.Star Wars are such exciting movies that I have seen them three times. 
[09:35.20]4.I always play soccer with my friends in our spare time.
[09:45.53]5.I sent many short messages to support my favorite singer.
[10:12.74]6.M:Hi, Tracy. Do you know the woman over there?
[10:15.91]W:The one with curly hair? Oh, that's our new art teacher. She is so nice that we all like her.
[10:22.84]Q:Who is the woman with curly hair?
[10:29.75]M:Hi, Tracy. Do you know the woman over there?
[10:32.34]W:The one with curly hair? Oh, that's our new art teacher. She is so nice that we all like her.
[10:39.73]Q:Who is the woman with curly hair?

[10:46.15]7.W:Darren, please make the bed, put away your clothes and take out the trash.
[10:51.95]M:Mom, I'm busy with my homework. I'll do it in a moment.
[10:55.67]Q:What does Darren's mother ask him to do?
[11:02.51]W:Darren, please make the bed, put away your clothes and take out the trash.
[11:07.15]M:Mom, I'm busy with my homework. I'll do it in a moment.
[11:10.99]Q:What does Darren's mother ask him to do?

[11:18.21]8.M:I went to the movies last night. Operation Red Sea made me excited.
[11:23.50]W:So did Wolf Warriors II . But Titanic is my favorite. It always makes me moved.
[11:29.92]Q:What movie does the girl like best?
[11:36.20]M:I went to the movies last night. Operation Red Sea made me excited.
[11:40.34]W:So did Wolf Warriors II . But Titanic is my favorite. It always makes me moved.
[11:46.71]Q:What movie does the girl like best?

[11:54.50]9.M:You said the school trip was going to be this Friday. But Jenny said it was going to be this Saturday.
[12:01.72]W:The headteacher told me so just now. Then Jenny was wrong.
[12:06.87]Q:When is the school trip going to be?
[12:14.13]M:You said the school trip was going to be this Friday. But Jenny said it was going to be this Saturday.
[12:20.52]W:The headteacher told me so just now. Then Jenny was wrong.
[12:25.62]Q:When is the school trip going to be?

[12:33.36]10.W:Where did you work before you came to our bank?
[12:37.34]M:I used to work in the TV station. But it was really a challenge to be a reporter. It's different now.
[12:44.18]Q:What does the man mean?
[12:51.97]W:Where did you work before you came to our bank?
[12:54.61]M:I used to work in the TV station. But it was really a challenge to be a reporter. It's different now.
[13:01.57]Q:What does the man mean?
[13:53.42]M:Why is music an important subject that every child should study? First of all, music helps us when we are unhappy, and gives us pleasure when we are happy. 
[14:02.89]There are many different types of music: slow and fast, serious and relaxing. We can choose the music to fit our moods. And second, music is fun. 
[14:12.97]Everyone enjoys playing the drums and using their energy. Scientists say that music helps children with language learning. 
[14:20.49]Music improves the ear¡ªand we know that children who have studied music can learn languages more easily and pronounce much better. 
[14:28.65]Students who have learnt to play music are also better at math. This is not surprising, as music is mathematical, with notes in order. 
[14:38.00]Playing music with other people also helps children to work together. People who can play musical instruments always have something they can do at a party.

[15:06.20]M:Why is music an important subject that every child should study? First of all, music helps us when we are unhappy, and gives us pleasure when we are happy. 
[15:15.62]There are many different types of music: slow and fast, serious and relaxing. We can choose the music to fit our moods. And second, music is fun. 
[15:25.80]Everyone enjoys playing the drums and using their energy. Scientists say that music helps children with language learning. 
[15:33.40]Music improves the ear-and we know that children who have studied music can learn languages more easily and pronounce much better. 
[15:41.73]Students who have learnt to play music are also better at math. This is not surprising, as music is mathematical, with notes in order. 
[15:50.73]Playing music with other people also helps children to work together. People who can play musical instruments always have something they can do at a party.
[16:46.88]W:Tomorrow is Jerry's birthday. But I haven't got him a present. Do you know what he likes?
[16:52.94]M:Yes, I know he is crazy about music.
[16:56.23]W:Oh, really? What kind of music does he like best£¿
[16:59.92]M:He likes all kinds of music. But his favorite is rock and roll.
[17:04.80]W:Oh, god, the only singer of rock music I know is Elvis.
[17:08.76]M:Hm, maybe you could give him a CD of Elvis.
[17:12.88]W:But I think he must have a car of his CDs.
[17:15.96]M:Yes, you are right. How about Beatles?
[17:19.70]W:I think I should go to CD shops to find a good present for him.
[17:23.71]M:That's a great idea. I'll go with you.
[17:26.83]W:Good, let's go to Xinhua CD Shop. It has the best service and qualities.
[17:32.51]M:When shall we go?
[17:34.15]W:At half past seven at the gate of the park tonight.

[17:50.17]W:Tomorrow is Jerry's birthday. But I haven't got him a present. Do you know what he likes?
[17:56.22]M:Yes, I know he is crazy about music.
[17:59.71]W:Oh, really? What kind of music does he like best£¿
[18:03.90]M:He likes all kinds of music. But his favorite is rock and roll.
[18:07.51]W:Oh, god, the only singer of rock music I know is Elvis.
[18:12.40]M:Hm, maybe you could give him a CD of Elvis.
[18:15.95]W:But I think he must have a car of his CDs.
[18:19.40]M:Yes, you are right. How about Beatles?
[18:22.73]W:I think I should go to CD shops to find a good present for him.
[18:27.18]M:That's a great idea. I'll go with you.
[18:30.20]W:Good, let's go to Xinhua CD Shop. It has the best service and qualities.
[18:35.92]M:When shall we go?
[18:37.79]W:At half past seven at the gate of the park tonight.

[18:55.93]W:Tomorrow is Jerry's birthday. But I haven't got him a present. Do you know what he likes?
[19:02.35]M:Yes, I know he is crazy about music.
[19:05.40]W:Oh, really? What kind of music does he like best£¿
[19:09.00]M:He likes all kinds of music. But his favorite is rock and roll.
[19:13.18]W:Oh, god, the only singer of rock music I know is Elvis.
[19:17.90]M:Hm, maybe you could give him a CD of Elvis.
[19:21.59]W:But I think he must have a car of his CDs.
[19:24.89]M:Yes, you are right. How about Beatles?
[19:28.31]W:I think I should go to CD shops to find a good present for him.
[19:32.92]M:That's a great idea. I'll go with you.
[19:35.96]W:Good, let's go to Xinhua CD Shop. It has the best service and qualities.
[19:41.89]M:When shall we go?
[19:43.75]W:At half past seven at the gate of the park tonight.