[00:00.77]Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.
[00:17.90]1.My red hair band may be in my schoolbag.
[00:28.33]2.There must be the wind blowing the windows.
[00:36.28]3.The noiseª²maker can be a wolf. We often heard it cry at night. 
[00:48.90]4.The UFO landed while we were walking in the street.
[00:58.72]5.Stonehenge is full of great mysteries.
[01:21.46]6.W:Look! There is a Japanese book on the floor. Who do you think it belongs to?
[01:27.36]M:I think it must be Jimmy's, because he always leaves things here and there.
[01:32.19]Q:Who does the Japanese book belong to?
[01:39.76]W:Look! There is a Japanese book on the floor. Who do you think it belongs to?
[01:44.65]M:I think it must be Jimmy's, because he always leaves things here and there.
[01:49.79]Q:Who does the Japanese book belong to?

[01:57.44]7.M:Where is Sam? Is he in the classroom?
[02:01.00]W:No, he isn't. I saw him go to the library.
[02:04.37]Q:Where may Sam be now?
[02:09.64]M:Where is Sam? Is he in the classroom?
[02:12.61]W:No, he isn't. I saw him go to the library.
[02:16.28]Q:Where may Sam be now?

[02:21.84]8.W:What's wrong with Jack?
[02:23.89]M:Jack had an accident and broke his arm on his way to school this morning.
[02:28.44]W:I am sorry to hear that.
[02:30.37]Q:What happened to Jack on his way to school?
[02:36.25]W:What's wrong with Jack?
[02:38.15]M:Jack had an accident and broke his arm on his way to school this morning.
[02:41.95]W:I am sorry to hear that.
[02:43.72]Q:What happened to Jack on his way to school?

[02:50.27]9.M:Whose backpack is this?
[02:52.57]W:It must be Jenny's. It has her name on it. Do you know whose guitar is this?
[02:58.25]M:It might belong to Jane. She loves playing the guitar.
[03:01.98]Q:Whose guitar is this?
[03:07.99]M:Whose backpack is this?
[03:09.56]W:It must be Jenny's. It has her name on it. Do you know whose guitar is this?
[03:15.51]M:It might belong to Jane. She loves playing the guitar.
[03:19.21]Q:Whose guitar is this?

[03:26.32]10.W:Is this bike yours, Jim?
[03:28.83]M:No, mine is black. Isn't it Tom's? His is blue.
[03:32.90]W: Yes, but his is light blue. The one is dark blue.
[03:37.92]M: Then it must be John's, I think.
[03:40.55]Q: What color is John's bike?
[03:48.61]W:Is this bike yours, Jim?
[03:50.29]M:No, mine is black. Isn't it Tom's? His is blue.
[03:54.42]W: Yes, but his is light blue. The one is dark blue.
[03:59.31]M: Then it must be John's, I think.
[04:01.92]Q: What color is John's bike?
[04:56.84]W:There is a strange thing high up in the world's tallest mountain. This mystery has puzzled the world for years. 
[05:04.22]In 1887, a mountain climber found large footprints in the snow. They looked like the footprints of a very large man. 
[05:12.81]But men don't walk without shoes in the snow. In 1906, another climber saw more footprints. Far off, he saw a very large animal standing on two legs. 
[05:25.00]As he watched, it ran away very quickly. Fifteen years later, the newspaper had new stories about the ¡°something¡±. 
[05:34.40]A mountain climber said he had seen the ¡°snowman¡± walk slowly across the snow, far below him. He said it looked like a very large man. 
[05:43.34]From then on, more and more people had stories to tell. But not until 1951 did a mountain climber bring back pictures of the large footprints. 
[05:54.87]The pictures showed clearly that the snowman walked on two legs. Could it be an ape man? The mystery grew. 
[06:02.48]Someday we may find out just what it is that makes the large footprints.

[06:24.35]W:There is a strange thing high up in the world's tallest mountain. This mystery has puzzled the world for years. 
[06:32.24]In 1887, a mountain climber found large footprints in the snow. They looked like the footprints of a very large man. 
[06:41.27]But men don't walk without shoes in the snow. In 1906, another climber saw more footprints. Far off, he saw a very large animal standing on two legs. 
[06:53.53]As he watched, it ran away very quickly. Fifteen years later, the newspaper had new stories about the ¡°something¡±. 
[07:02.58]A mountain climber said he had seen the ¡°snowman¡± walk slowly across the snow, far below him. He said it looked like a very large man. 
[07:11.85]From then on, more and more people had stories to tell. But not until 1951 did a mountain climber bring back pictures of the large footprints. 
[07:23.24]The pictures showed clearly that the snowman walked on two legs. Could it be an ape man? The mystery grew. 
[07:30.96]Someday we may find out just what it is that makes the large footprints.
[08:24.10]W:Hello, Jim! Have you seen Eric?
[08:25.81]M:No, I haven't. What's up, Linda?
[08:27.86]W:I have found a yellow jacket on the playground. I think it belongs to Eric.
[08:32.56]M:It can't be his. The jacket is much too small for him.
[08:35.98]W:Then it must be Tony's. I saw him on the playground just now.
[08:40.30]M:But Tony's jacket is black.
[08:42.18]W:Whose do you think it could be?
[08:44.27]M:Let me have a look. Oh,it must be John's.
[08:47.22]W:Why do you think so?
[08:48.87]M:Look! I found this student ID card in one of the pockets.
[08:51.93]W:You are right. Let's go and give it to him.
[08:54.28]M: OK. He must be in the library. Let's go.

[09:06.20]W:Hello, Jim! Have you seen Eric?
[09:07.77]M:No, I haven't. What's up, Linda?
[09:09.81]W:I have found a yellow jacket on the playground. I think it belongs to Eric.
[09:14.70]M:It can't be his. The jacket is much too small for him.
[09:17.83]W:Then it must be Tony's. I saw him on the playground just now.
[09:22.70]M:But Tony's jacket is black.
[09:24.21]W:Whose do you think it could be?
[09:26.23]M:Let me have a look. Oh,it must be John's.
[09:29.18]W:Why do you think so?
[09:30.77]M:Look! I found this student ID card in one of the pockets.
[09:33.93]W:You are right. Let's go and give it to him.
[09:36.41]M: OK. He must be in the library. Let's go.

[09:45.80]W:Hello, Jim! Have you seen Eric?
[09:47.55]M:No, I haven't. What's up, Linda?
[09:49.64]W:I have found a yellow jacket on the playground. I think it belongs to Eric.
[09:54.55]M:It can't be his. The jacket is much too small for him.
[09:57.62]W:Then it must be Tony's. I saw him on the playground just now.
[10:01.65]M:But Tony's jacket is black.
[10:04.23]W:Whose do you think it could be?
[10:06.90]M:Let me have a look. Oh,it must be John's.
[10:09.70]W:Why do you think so?
[10:10.57]M:Look! I found this student ID card in one of the pockets.
[10:13.85]W:You are right. Let's go and give it to him.
[10:16.20]M: OK. He must be in the library. Let's go.

[10:38.15]1.This is an alien.
[10:44.72]2.It's reported that it will be sunny tomorrow.
[10:53.80]3.The book Journey to the West must be Tom's, because he likes reading it very much. 
[11:08.52]4.I really want to see the old walls and Terracotta Warriors one day. 
[11:21.94]5.If you give a carrot to a rabbit,it will be happy.
[11:46.68]6.W:Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad?
[11:51.43]M:No, you needn't, Lily. You're free to make your own decision. 
[11:55.89]Q:What does Lily's father do?
[12:02.42]W:Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad?
[12:05.80]M:No, you needn't, Lily. You're free to make your own decision. 
[12:10.17]Q:What does Lily's father do?

[12:16.35]7.M:Are you afraid of speaking in front of many people?
[12:19.48]W:I used to be. But now I am very confident.
[12:22.82]Q:What do you think of this girl?
[12:28.81]M:Are you afraid of speaking in front of many people?
[12:31.36]W:I used to be. But now I am very confident.
[12:34.82]Q:What do you think of this girl?

[12:40.84]8.W:I haven't heard from my sister since last month. 
[12:44.92]M:Don't worry, Linda. The United States is far away from Beijing. Letters can be slow sometimes. Let's go to the Great Wall to get some relaxation.
[12:54.57]Q:Where may Linda live?
[13:01.20]W:I haven't heard from my sister since last month. 
[13:03.79]M:Don't worry, Linda. The United States is far away from Beijing. Letters can be slow sometimes. Let's go to the Great Wall to get some relaxation.
[13:13.82]Q:Where may Linda live?

[13:20.12]9.W:Jack, is this hair band your sister's?
[13:23.67]M:No, it can't be hers. Don't you see her hairstyle? She doesn't need one. 
[13:28.50]Q:What does Jack's sister's hair most probably look like?
[13:36.52]W:Jack, is this hair band your sister's?
[13:39.23]M:No, it can't be hers. Don't you see her hairstyle? She doesn't need one. 
[13:43.91]Q:What does Jack's sister's hair most probably look like?

[13:52.43]10.W:This restaurant is so crowded today!
[13:56.13]M:That's true. The food here is very delicious. But it may be uncrowded from Tuesday to Friday. It's the best time to taste delicious food here.
[14:05.94]Q:When is the best time to taste delicious food?
[14:14.52]W:This restaurant is so crowded today!
[14:16.98]M:That's true. The food here is very delicious. But it may be uncrowded from Tuesday to Friday. It's the best time to taste delicious food here.
[14:26.64]Q:When is the best time to taste delicious food?
[15:19.13]M:Last night at nine o'clock, Jim was tired after studying for two hours. He wanted to rest his eyes. 
[15:25.61]So he looked out of the window. At that time, he saw a UFO flying over his house. He heard from his friends that a UFO looked like a plate. 
[15:34.79]When he saw the UFO, he knew what his friends said was not true. The UFO didn't look like a plate at all. Jim was afraid of it. 
[15:43.81]He wanted to ask for help, but his parents were both out at a party and he was alone at home. Then he saw an alien get out of the UFO. 
[15:53.38]The alien reached out its hand to touch Jim's head. When he was about to cry, he heard someone say, ¡°It's time to get up, Jim. You'll be late for school!¡± 
[16:02.47]Jim opened his eyes and saw his mother. Oh! It was just a dream.

[16:19.24]M:Last night at nine o'clock, Jim was tired after studying for two hours. He wanted to rest his eyes. 
[16:25.92]So he looked out of the window. At that time, he saw a UFO flying over his house. He heard from his friends that a UFO looked like a plate. 
[16:35.80]When he saw the UFO, he knew what his friends said was not true. The UFO didn't look like a plate at all. Jim was afraid of it. 
[16:44.31]He wanted to ask for help, but his parents were both out at a party and he was alone at home. Then he saw an alien get out of the UFO. 
[16:53.64]The alien reached out its hand to touch Jim's head. When he was about to cry, he heard someone say, ¡°It's time to get up, Jim. You'll be late for school!¡± 
[17:02.72]Jim opened his eyes and saw his mother. Oh! It was just a dream.
[17:52.54]W:I saw a UFO at 8:00 this morning.
[17:55.14]M:Really? Where did you see it?
[17:57.14]W:In the garden in front of our school.
[17:59.90]M:What did the UFO look like?
[18:01.88]W:It was black and it looked like a big bird.
[18:04.38]M:Are you sure it was a UFO? I flew kite there this morning and the kite was just like a bird.
[18:10.24]W:In that case, could it be your kite? But it really looked strange.
[18:15.66]M:I think it must be my kite.
[18:17.84]W:What was your kite made of?
[18:20.14]M:I used a big black shopping bag to make it.

[18:31.38]W:I saw a UFO at 8:00 this morning.
[18:33.82]M:Really? Where did you see it?
[18:36.38]W:In the garden in front of our school.
[18:38.59]M:What did the UFO look like?
[18:40.60]W:It was black and it looked like a big bird.
[18:43.23]M:Are you sure it was a UFO? I flew kite there this morning and the kite was just like a bird.
[18:49.21]W:In that case, could it be your kite? But it really looked strange.
[18:54.58]M:I think it must be my kite.
[18:56.85]W:What was your kite made of?
[18:58.82]M:I used a big black shopping bag to make it.

[19:10.62]W:I saw a UFO at 8:00 this morning.
[19:13.30]M:Really? Where did you see it?
[19:14.97]W:In the garden in front of our school.
[19:18.13]M:What did the UFO look like?
[19:20.00]W:It was black and it looked like a big bird.
[19:22.66]M:Are you sure it was a UFO? I flew kite there this morning and the kite was just like a bird.
[19:28.48]W:In that case, could it be your kite? But it really looked strange.
[19:34.14]M:I think it must be my kite.
[19:36.38]W:What was your kite made of?
[19:38.31]M:I used a big black shopping bag to make it.